I am currently a postdoc researcher at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and I will join the University of Rochester as an Assistant Professor in 2025. I am interested in exoplanets and brown dwarfs, as well as their formation and atmospheres. I conduct surveys to search for giant planets and brown dwarfs that are either wide-orbit companions to stars or members of nearby associations. I construct a large, well-defined sample of these benchmarks and then use them to explore the formation of the outer architecture of extrasolar planetary systems and to test our understanding of ultracool atmospheres.


2023-06-07: Science Advances publishes our work about the escaping helium from the hot Jupiter HAT-P-32 b[link]

2023-02-24: AAS Nova highlights our study of the Kepler-444 planetary system[link]

2022-04-04: I am extremely honored and lucky to be awarded the 2022 Sagan Fellowship [link]

2021-12-16: I received the 2022 AAS Doxsey Travel Prize.

2021-07-28: Press release of our extrasolar planet discovery COCONUTS-2b, the closest imaged exoplanet to Earth! [UH News] [Forbes] [The Independent] [MSN]

2021-06-22: I am Dr. ZJ Zhang!

2021-04-21: I gave an oral presentation at the STScI Spring Symposium --- Towards the Comprehensive Characterization of Exoplanets: Science at the Interface of Multiple Measurement Techniques [Video]

2020-11-09: I gave a poster presentation at the Exoplanet Demographics virtual conference [PDF]

2020-11-01: My collaboration has released the UltracoolSheet to the community, a catalog of photometry, astrometry, spectroscopy, and multiplicity for 3000+ ultracool dwarfs and imaged exoplanets [Google Sheets] [Zenodo]

2020-07-27: I am giving a poster presentation at the Exoplanets III virtual conference [PDF] [video]

2020-04-06: I received the OVCR Student Excellence in Research Award [media]